Shop Safe and Secure Online With These 5 Tips

It’s the time for post-winter sales!  So you are no doubt cashing in on those sweet bargains online this month. However, secure online shopping is of the utmost concern these days. What are the best ways to shop safe online? Keep reading for some handy tips that will make you feel a lot more secure … Continue reading Shop Safe and Secure Online With These 5 Tips

Google Plans To Keep Your Eye On in 2016 Part II

Earlier this month we brought you 5 Google Projects to Keep Your Eye On In 2016. We had so much fun bringing you the latest and greatest from one of the most popular companies in the world that we thought we’d update you with more Google plans for 2016. As just a quick reminder, Google’s … Continue reading Google Plans To Keep Your Eye On in 2016 Part II

Security Certificate & SSL – Necessary For Your Protection

In your everyday use of the Internet it’s almost guaranteed you’ve dealt with a security certificate at some point. You may not realize it, but when you’ve clicked to make a purchase or securely logged into a webpage there is a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) transaction taking place. This standard security technology allows an encrypted … Continue reading Security Certificate & SSL – Necessary For Your Protection

The Consumer Electronics Show – 5 Exciting Products!

Can you believe the Consumer Electronics Show has been around for 49 years? I know! The international renowned electronics and technology trade show was once again held at the Las Vegas Convention Center and it’s delivered some very impressive products to us tech junkies this year.  The gadgets and tech we’ve been ogling so far … Continue reading The Consumer Electronics Show – 5 Exciting Products!

What Is a Firewall and How Does It Defend Our Information?

What is a firewall? Since firewalls have been in the news recently, this is a question you may be asking. While your data lies on a server somewhere up in the cloud, what exactly is protecting it from ruthless marauders? What is this great beacon of security? Well, you can think of a firewall as … Continue reading What Is a Firewall and How Does It Defend Our Information?

What Is Encryption And How Does It Protect Our Information?

Presidential candidates are talking about it. It’s all over the news. So you may be asking yourself, what is encryption? To understand encryption you must first think about how we communicate. In its most basic human form communication is done face-to-face through some kind of spoken or unspoken language. Two parties interact and data is … Continue reading What Is Encryption And How Does It Protect Our Information?